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As part of the Lake District National Park Partnership Plan, we are the lead partner for the development of the Lake District for Everyone strategy. We want to support projects that enable people from all communities to participate in everything the Lakes has to offer.

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Investible projects

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Inclusion and accessibility community grant scheme 

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We know that people from some communities and backgrounds do not visit the Lake District or experience significant challenges when they do. The Lake District Foundation is leading working to ensure the Lake District is open and welcoming for everyone 


We are looking for investors to fund a small grant scheme that will improve access to the Lake District for people from all communities. 


The Lake District Foundation will manage, administer and implement the grant scheme. We will award small grants to community groups and organisations to engage people from marginalised groups/communities (disabled, minority ethnic groups, LGBTQ+, economically deprived). Successful groups will use the funds to participate in outdoor activity in the Lake District and to produce vlogs from planning through to completion of the trip. Vlogs will be collated to highlight any issues or challenges that emerged. We will coordinate workshops sessions with Lake District for Everyone partners and participants to find solutions to highlighted issues. 


Investment Opportunities:

£25,000 whole programme sponsorship 

£5,000+ joint sponsorship opportunities  

Return on Investment

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Fix the Fells

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The increasing popularity and use of the fells for a range of recreational activities, coupled with the impacts of the Cumbrian weather, is leading to continued erosion of the fell paths. Internationally and nationally critical areas are losing rare habitats to erosion, peat bodies are being degraded and sediment is deposited in otherwise clean lakes and rivers. This harms the scenery and wildlife and can potentially impact local communities and the tourist economy.  


As a conservation programme, Fix the Fells works to repair eroded paths to protect the landscape and biodiversity. This is done in traditional and sustainable ways which have the least impact on the natural environment. The programme takes account of all fell users when designing path repairs. 

Investment needed:

£250 – £100,000 


Return on investment


To explore ideas and ways we can work together contact Steve at [email protected] 

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