Post: Carbon Monoxide: Raising Awareness

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The Lake District Foundation will be delivering a project to raise awareness about Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning and safe visits to the countryside. The project is funded by Northern Gas who deliver gas to 2.7 million homes and businesses in the North East, Northern Cumbria and much of Yorkshire, and are committed to supporting the environment and local community.

Northern Gas are working hard to become a cleaner, greener business – reducing waste in their daily operations, and gearing up for a low carbon, sustainable future – targeting their daily operations to be net-zero by 2031. Before working with any business or organization we always follow our Working with Businesses Policy

Given that we are seeing a significant increase in the number of first-time visitors to the Lake District National Park and visitors who are new to camping and cooking in confined spaces it is likely that they are not aware of the risks of CO, which could have devastating effects on individuals but also local communities and businesses.

This project will provide important and potentially life-saving information to visitors and residents of the Lake District and Cumbria, and we anticipate that the lessons learned in this pilot project in the Lake District and Cumbria will be transferrable to other destinations.

The first stage of the project is to find out more about the current levels of awareness of the sources and risks of Carbon Monoxide poisoning amongst residents and visitors. If you would like to help to shape the campaign, and be in with a chance of winning a Hydroflask water bottle please take part in our short survey here.

In addition to the campaign, the LDF will be supporting Northern Gas to raise awareness of the priority Service Register. The Priority Services Register is a free service provided by suppliers and network operators, which enables vulnerable customers to receive extra support such as free gas safety checks and priority services in case of an incident.

The Lake District Foundation is excited to deliver this campaign that will enable more people to enjoy the Lake District and experience the health benefits that accessing nature and wild spaces brings.